Tools to support local farmers

Keeping our farming community healthy

The National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) focuses on prevention and early identification of risk factors associated with our farming populations – developing timely, appropriate, effective and popular interventions.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, our region has experienced the lowest rainfall on record for the four-month period since February 2024, which has proven a trying time for many farmers and families, including some of our colleagues.

Staying healthy and well are just as important as keeping our farms going – the times when we least feel like looking after ourselves are when we need to do it the most.

Via, we all can access a list of available resources as an easy reference to seek the required support. Some examples are:

  • Emotional and social wellbeing support
  • Farm business support services
  • Emergency / Bushfire / Climate information
  • Rural Support Organisations
  • Other links for keeping well

Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS)

Farm Household Allowance (FHA) Services Australia application page

The Farm Household Allowance (FHA) program provides assistance to commercial-scale farmers and their partners who are experiencing financial hardship for any reason.

Need Help?

You can get help to understand and apply for Farm Household Allowance. Specially trained staff are available on the Farmer Assistance hotline at Services Australia, call 132 316 between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

You can also talk to a Rural Financial Counsellor. It is a free service. They will evaluate your situation and let you know what you can apply for. Find your local service provider by visiting the Rural Financial Counselling Service webpage.

See all drought and rural support providers.

Click on the image below to access further support services.

Need for Feed supports our farmers

A Lions Club service project established back in 2006/7 in response to what was at that time the driest period on record, and which became known later as the Millennium Drought.

At that time, reportedly three farmers in Australia per week would take their own lives, unable to cope with the circumstances. Many others would walk off the land. This is what caught the attention of Graham Cockerell, a Lions Club member who had lost his own father to farm-related suicide.

The Need for Feed program is now the leading provider of emergency fodder at a State and National level through fires, floods and droughts – managed 100% by volunteers. These deliveries are usually accompanied by household hampers, personal care packs, Lions teddies and toys for the kids, and even dog food.

The Merino Digby Lions have arranged for fodder into our area on 13 July. This could involve up to 30 B Doubles if the group can access enough volunteer truck drivers and source enough hay to fill the need.

If you would like further information, can volunteer or require assistance from the program, please visit, phone Shirley Menz on 0438 476 143 or Steve Menz on 0427 756 227.

WDHS Mental Health and Support Services

Contact Details:

  • Phone: 5551 8476
  • Email:
  • Frances Hewett Community Centre, 2 Roberts St, Hamilton, VIC, 3300

The WDHS Mental Health Team offers assistance to people who wish to discuss issues that affect their emotional wellbeing. Counselling provides the opportunity to discuss concerns and work through options that may assist and improve the situation. All counselling is confidential.

The service is offered to either individuals or couples. Children and adolescents are seen both individually and with family members and their presentation is always seen in the context of their families.

The service is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team including Counsellors, Social Worker and Psychologists. Self-referrals are encouraged but referrals are also supported from family members and your GP.

Services offered include:

  • Family relationship difficulties
  • Couples relationship difficulties/ improving relationships/ dealing with separation/ concern about children’s difficulties with family changes
  • Adolescents experiencing family, friendship or school difficulties
  • Children presented by parents with issues including difficulty adjusting to family changes, exposure to conflict
  • Individuals presenting with issues of stress, anxiety or depression
  • Grief and loss counselling
  • Farmer Health
  • Managing lifestyle change including changes in health or employment
  • Anger management
  • Trans gender or sexuality counselling

Educational and group programs 

  • Critical incident debriefing
  • Positive Parenting Program
  • Other groups as required

Geographic area serviced

The service is open to anyone within the Southern Grampians Shire or who travels to the Centre. Clients in surrounding areas are accepted by negotiation with other services (eg. Glenelg Shire). Tele-health is available. Home visits may be arranged for clients living within the Southern Grampians Shire only, in circumstances when the client is disabled, isolated or has difficulties in attending the centre.

Last Updated: August 2023

Coping with feelings of anxiety

It is normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed at difficult times. It’s important to remind yourself that this is a normal reaction, and it will pass.

There are plenty of ways to support other people, or be supported if you are feeling anxious or uncertain.

Details on how to access support:

Rural Financial Counselling ServiceVictoria West– 77 Kenedy Street Hamilton Vic ph: 1300 735 578 –

South West Health Care Mental Health & Wellbeing Service– 12 Foster Street Hamilton ph: 1800 808 284 – Hamilton Mental Health and Wellbeing Service – South West Healthcare

National Centre for Famer Health Support Services Support | National Centre for Farmer Health

I Farm Well

Department of Health and Human Services – Mental Health Resources

Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
A free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Mental health information and support for all Victorians

Eheadspace 1800 650 893
Online and telephone support and counselling for 12 – 25 year olds, their families and friends.

MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
Online and telephone support and counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns.

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