The Emergency Department is located adjacent to the Medical/Intensive Care Unit and Medical Imaging (x-ray) Department to streamline emergency care. The Unit is staffed to provide 24-hour access for members of the community requiring emergency care and has been designated a Regional Trauma Service by the Victorian Department of Human Services.
The Emergency Department provides a 24 hour service to a catchment area of approximately 30,000 people. The department layout consists of a large resuscitation area and four emergency bays.
Waiting times may vary as the most urgent cases are seen first, not a ‘first come first serve basis’. The Service also provides disease prevention with the Needle Syringe Program and care to Hospital in the Home clients.
The Emergency Department’s main function is to care for emergencies. If your situation is not an emergency, but you feel you need to see a doctor today you should contact your local GP.
What to expect?
On arrival the triage nurse will assess the nature and urgency of your problem. Someone who arrives after you may be seen first due to the urgency of their medical condition; however everyone will be treated as soon as possible. At the time of triage you will be asked to provide your personal details and then asked to wait in the waiting room or a designated treatment area. Do not eat or drink anything until the triage nurse says that it is safe to do so.
One relative may accompany a patient to a treatment room, especially if the patient is a child. Visitors have to be restricted due to a lack of space. Please go to the waiting room if asked to do so, this allows procedures and treatment to take place. Parents or guardians are also asked to take responsibility for their children whilst in the Emergency Department.
There are no tea and coffee facilities available in the Emergency Department. The cafeteria is open Monday to Friday from 7.00am till 3:00pm. After this time visitors requiring food may be able to purchase limited supplies from the vending machine located at the front foyer of the hospital.
Your visit to the Emergency Department is confidential, so please inform staff if you wish someone to be notified of your attendance. A Victorian Government brochure is available detailing your rights and responsibilities in a public hospital.
Code of Behaviour
Violent behaviour, swearing, threats or verbal abuse towards staff, relatives or another patient, will not be tolerated in the Emergency Department. If an incident occurs, security staff and/or the police will be contacted and you will be escorted from the hospital grounds.
Patients may present to the emergency department themselves or may come via ambulance.
The Emergency Department is for the care and treatment of emergency conditions. It is not an outpatient department. Non-urgent patients will not be refused treatment but priority is always given to those who are assessed as an emergency and require urgent treatment.
On arrival present to the triage window. If there is no nurse or doctor in attendance, please ring the bell and wait.
Updated: 29 May 2023