About the Community Transport Service:
This is a service provided by Western District Health Service that delivers secure, reliable, and effective transport for people who have difficulty using conventional public transport.
Community Transport can be provided for:
- Medical and therapy appointments and access to Community Health Services
- Admission and discharges
- Any member of the public (or service provider on behalf of a client) can contact the service – No referral required.
Eligible users of the service include:
- Those who cannot use conventional public transport (aged persons, physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities)
- Carers, family and friends who accompany users
- People who are economically disadvantaged or geographically isolated.
Transport will not be provided if:
- You have other transport available to you
- You require transport to an appointment whilst you are an in patient of a hospital
- You should be receiving transport from Ambulance Victoria
- You are in poor health and require medical supervision
- You require an escort/carer and none has been provided
- You hold a Department of Veterans Affairs card or are eligible for transport through NDIS
What is the cost to clients:
- If transport over is 100kms, the service is partially subsidised by the State Government and WDHS.
Volunteers provide a door to door transport service using WDHS vehicles
- The service works on a first in first served basis with at least 3 days notice required.
- The coordinator will advise of the appropriate donation for the particular journey.
- Clients 65 years and older may require a “My Aged Care” referral – 1800 200 422.
The service relies on valuable donations from users of the service and the public. Should you wish to support the service by making a financial contribution, please forward your donation to the Western District Health Service or via www.wdhs.net/donate
How to make a transport booking
Contact the Community Transport Coordinator on
(03) 5551 8284
Email communitytransport@wdhs.net
Frances Hewett Community Centre, 2 Roberts St, Hamilton, VIC, 3300
Last updated: August 2023