Access to medical documents and records held by WDHS may be requested under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1982.

FOI also allows other parties such as solicitors, to access patient’s records, albeit with the written consent of the patient.  A Court can request medical records, without consent, by means of a subpnoea.

How to Request a Medical Record

Requests for medical records require an application under the FOI Act, setting out what information is required, and accompanied by a fee of $32.70. This fee is indexed annually on 1st July.

Download Freedom of Information – Application Form

All requests must be in writing.  If you would like to request medical information please use the application form above and send correspondence to:

Freedom of Information Manager
Health Information Department
Hamilton Base Hospital
PO Box 283
Hamilton   VIC   3300

Last updated: 10/07/2024

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