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Women’s Health Service

Well Women’s Clinic: 4:45pm – 5:45pm every Tuesday

Women’s Health Nurse Clinic (including cervical screening): 2:00pm – 4:00pm every Tuesday

Location: Frances Hewett Community Centre, 2 Roberts Street, Hamilton, VIC 3300

Cost: free


  • ContraceptionOral contraception, including emergency contraception
  • Intrauterine device
  • Implanon
  • Sexually transmitted infection testing
  • Medical termination of pregnancy
  • Cervical screening
  • Menopause care
  • Preconception health check (including genetic testing)
  • Breast examination

No referral required

Please call the Frances Hewett Community Centre on (03) 5551 8450 to make an appointment.  Specific enquiries can be directed to the Women’s Health Nurse.


Breast Cancer Support

Support for breast cancer patients throughout their journey from the local breast care nurse.


  • Post operative care and information
  • Chemotherapy, hormone therapy and radiation treatment support
  • Oncology consultations
  • Wig and bra fitting
  • Phone call/face to face support

Cost: free

Referral from health care professionals, Breast Screen Victoria or self-referral accepted

Please call Frances Hewett Community Centre on (03) 5551 850 to speak to the breast care nurse


Breast screening is now available at the Hamilton Base Hospital. To make your appointment visit BreastScreen Victoria or call 132050

Community programs

  • Primary school puberty education
  • Secondary school consent, sexual and reproductive health education
  • Community health promotion
  • Look Good Feel Better
  • Pink Ribbon Morning Tea (October)
  • Women’s Health Week (September)
  • Free period product baskets


A guide to: Cervical cancer screening

Breast Cancer Network Australia

Look Good Feel Better

National Breast Cancer Foundation: Pink Ribbon Morning Tea  

1800 my options

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health

Sexual Health Victoria  

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