Children who are required to stay in hospital overnight are cared for on our surgical ward.  We have a lovely play room for inpatients with toys, games, TV, computer games and movies available via our 2 Starlight Foundation Fun Stations, which can be moved to any room needed.

Children need to understand what is going to happen when they come to hospital. Be clear and honest, it is important to use simple words you think your child will understand. When answering their questions try and be as truthful as you can.

What to bring?

It is recommended that you pack the following for your child’s stay in hospital:

  • The most important thing to bring for your child is a special toy or cuddly blanket
  • Pyjamas (light weight), dressing gown and slippers
  • Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb etc
  • Activities such as books and pencils etc
  • Device (Ipad or Tablet with charger) earphones and some favorite music for listening.

Please mark all personal things with your child’s name.

Other items:

  • Details about your GP, name, address and contact numbers
  • Medicare card and health fund book/card
  • Maternal and child health book
  • Any medications that your child is currently on, including non-prescribed medications and herbal preparations.
  • Medical equipment or disability aids (if applicable)
  • Personal items for yourself if you are staying with your child overnight. A sleeping bag and pillow is appreciated (there are a limited number of fold down beds available).

Medications and complementary alternative medicines

For your child’s safety, we need to know about ALL the medicines they have been taking. This includes medicines prescribed by a doctor, bought without a prescription from health food shops, pharmacies or supermarkets and any complementary or alternative medicines. These are sometimes called natural remedies and include vitamins, minerals, herbal therapies, tonics, aromatherapy and homeopathic medicines.

Please tell the doctor, nurse or ward pharmacist this information when you come to hospital so that there is less chance of missing an important medicine, doubling up or giving medicines that might interact.

It is also important to provide these hospital staff with details of any allergies your child has or is suspected of having, such as previous unwanted reactions to medications.

Are parents able to stay in with their children overnight?

Generally, visitors are not allowed to stay in the patient’s room overnight. We can make exceptions if the patient is a child.  A bed will not be available, however parents / guardians may have access to a recliner.

Can parents bring in food their child might like?

Parents are able to bring in food for their child.  Please check with the nursing staff.

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