COVID Update – 7 January

WDHS COVID-19 case update 7-1-2022, 9pm

123 people tested at the WDHS Drive-thru were notified of positive COVID-19 PCR results today. 17 people are now being monitored in the Hospital in the Home (HITH) program. It is expected that this number will increase, as the new cases are triaged for care.

Please note people are being admitted and discharged from the HITH program on a daily basis and it does not represent an accumulative total of active/positive cases in the Southern Grampians Shire. The HITH program is run by WDHS in partnership with local GP’s (Hamilton Medical Group) and WDHS physicians and provides care to positive, or suspected positive cases who are unwell, or vulnerable. WDHS has launched a new local support hotline 1800 313 021 for people who have tested positive (or are waiting for their results) and are feeling unwell, or have queries in relation to their COVID test results.

Please note, if you are in need of urgent medical attention, you must call 000. Given the large number of people attending the Drive-thru for swabbing in recent days, we anticipate a significant increase in case numbers and ask community members to take precautions to keep themselves and others safe.

Household contacts and anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms should get tested at the WDHS Drive-thru clinic, Hamilton Showgrounds (enter via King St)*.

The Drive-thru is now open 7 days a week – 8am to 11am.To save time at the clinic, please click this link to pre-register for your test:

*Please note – due to unprecedented demand for testing across the state, some PCR test results are taking 4-5 days. Helpful information is available online for cases and household, social, workplace, education and other contacts:

The Helping Hands Hotline is also available for anyone who needs assistance with essential tasks or items when isolating due to COVID-19. Call 1800 943 131 (9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday), or email to access this service.

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